Opting for a Wedding Ring Tattoo (Or Considering it)? Start Here

Everything You Need to Know Including Cost, Design Ideas, and When is Best to Get it

Wedding ring tattoos, also known as wedding band tattoos, are a unique and growing trend among couples who want to commemorate their big day in a permanent way. These tattoos can be a great alternative or addition to traditional wedding rings, and can be customized to fit each couple's individual style. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons to getting a wedding/engagement ring tattoo.



According to the Knot, “couples-to-be spend an average of $5,871 on their engagement ring and $560 to $1,400 on wedding bands. Compare that with wedding ring tattoos, which usually cost between $50 and $2,000, even for complex designs.” Those kinds of savings are a pretty big pro!


A tattoo wedding band is smooth and never comes off. You won’t have the same worries or frustrations of forgetting where you took it off, dropping it down the sink, or having it catch on anything. Never having to panic about a lost (and probably costly) diamond ring is a great pro.


The permanency of a wedding ring tattoo should also be taken into account. It's important to remember that a tattoo is a permanent commitment. But it’s that very idea that entices people! What better way to symbolize eternal love than with a permanent ring? 

But it’s a good idea to really take some time to think about your design and placement before going under the needle since it is (like your marriage) a long-term commitment.



Hand tattoos tend to have more severe “blowout” or spreading than body tattoos, simply due to frequency of use. And so it’s important to consider how your design will look when it’s a little less crisp and clean. Really small script might become illegible, so you might want to adjust your design accordingly.

Permanence (Again)

Tattoo permanence is both a pro and a con. The most obvious con is the “what if” con. Should you and your intended ever split, you now have a permanent couple tattoo, and you’re no longer a couple... An actual ring can easily be taken off.


What we mean by this isn’t permanence, but how long will your ring finger tattoo hold up stylistically? When it comes to wedding planning, wedding trends come and go, so we always advocate for honing in on your actual style. That way you never look back with regret. 

The same is even more important when it comes to wedding ring finger tattoos. Sure, you want a tattoo that displays your love in a unique way, but don’t fall into the trap of trying to be too unique, or too trendy, or too anything besides yourself. You want to love your ring forever!

If after assessing the pros and cons, you’re still on board, here is everything you need to know before getting a wedding tattoo.

Consider Placement

Firstly, it's important to consider the placement of the tattoo. The most popular spot for a wedding ring tattoo is on the ring finger, as it mimics the traditional placement of a wedding ring. However, some couples opt for tattoos on other fingers or parts of the body, such as the knuckle, wrist, or (a personal fave) on the inside of the ring finger. It's important to consider the visibility and accessibility of the tattoo, as well as personal preference.

Find Your Design

When it comes to the design of the tattoo, the options are endless. Couples can choose from a variety of traditional and non-traditional designs, such as roman numerals of their wedding date, celtic knots, infinity symbols, and even Star Wars references. 

Some couples opt for matching tattoos, while others choose a unique design that still coordinates with each other. For example, you could get a single line, and he could get double lines. You could get a moon, and he could get a sun. A matching theme with unique designs is a really fun concept as it shows your connection but gives you space for your own personality!

A minimalist, simple design can be a great option for those who want a subtle tattoo, while others may want something more elaborate. Common ideas include a heart tattoo, king and queen designs, or the simple "I do" in elegant script. However, we’re big fans of subtle and unique wedding ring tattoo designs.

Choose the Right Artist

It's also important to choose a reputable and experienced tattoo artist who can help bring your design to life. It's a good idea to schedule a consultation with the artist to discuss your ideas and ensure that they understand your vision. And a good tattoo artist will take your idea and make it even better! (If you’re not 100% set already.)


Aftercare is another important consideration. As with any tattoo, proper care is crucial to ensure the tattoo heals properly and maintains its color and clarity. Your tattoo artist will provide you with aftercare instructions, but some general tips include keeping the tattoo clean and moisturized, avoiding sun exposure, and not picking or scratching the tattoo. Just be careful not to over-moisturize, as your tattoo does need to breathe.

Book Early

Good tattoo artists get booked fast. It’s important to line that up as early as possible. Consider your tattoo artist one of your vendors. You’ll want to book early, you might have to put down a deposit, and you definitely want to tip!

Get Your Tat Ahead of Time

You might have been wondering if you’d need to book your tattoo appointment for the day before, or even on your wedding day. And actually, the best practice is to get the tattoo about a week before your wedding ceremony. While traditional rings are exchanged during the ceremony, you’ll want to give your tattoo time to heal for the big day. That way you avoid redness in your wedding photos!

Wedding ring tattoos are a unique and growing trend among couples who want to commemorate their big day in a permanent way. And it’s easy to see why! But it's important to consider placement, design, the artist, aftercare, and permanency before getting a tattoo. With careful planning, there's sure to be a wedding ring tattoo that is perfect for you and your partner.


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